lme da kan xupdate.. sbulan kowt...
trase ksunyian tnpamu beb...
k so the juniors are already in the house..
sweet and nakal..
but kne paham la gak.. msih lgi dalam keadaan culture shock..
the rookie allegrorians are super sweet...
just like their kakak n abang la of coz...
cyang kowunk ktat2...
so now we are expecting the seniors..
haha mcm xmao expect pown ad gak...
but so far, i think they are all baik punyer..
(ceyh,positive thinking la konon)
hehe suker coz most of them are from my former school, smkpp8(1)
hehe senangla nk communicate...
okay till here jew la mals nak tulis pepanjang..