Sunday, December 25, 2011


saya tak boleh tidur..
I can't sleep..
لم أستطع النوم..
Je ne pouvais pas dormir
나는 잠을 잘 수가 없었
No podía dormir
Ich konnte nicht schlafen

Monday, December 19, 2011

Saturday, December 10, 2011

10 years ahead..

10 years ahead,
24 years old if i survive,
Ready for a new chapter in life.

10 years ahead,
I may be a psychologist or a pharmacist
or maybe a biologist.
Who knows?

10 years ahead,
I own a wardrobe of beautiful clothes, shoes,
bags and a car too..

10 years ahead,
my 'swing' dream will be fulfill,
my mother's dream will be fulfill,
Everybody dreams will be fulfill ..

10 years ahead,
everything will be clearer,
everything questions find the answers
every question marks will fade..

Till then,
10 years ahead,
will be a mystery,
misery or perhaps a labyrinth..

Saturday, December 3, 2011

ATTN! gentlemen and gentle ladies

to all gentlemen out there, please be nice to the ladies...
don't simply meet your girlfriend if you promised a girl friend to go out with her...
if this things happen, shorten the time you guys date to avoid any problems in the future with your girl friend..
if none of above works, at least pick up the call from your girl friend,apologize and cancelled the meeting,
it is more easier to forgive that moment than forgiving later on after your date because these are the consequences
1. your girl friend will start  avoiding you
2. your girl friend might hate boys because of you
3. you might be curse..(hahhahah)
4. your girl friend will making fun of you over and over

also,not forgetting..

to all gentle ladies, respect your sistas! (ladies are sistas!)
please ask your beau if they had a plan before asking them to meet you..
in case you forget(people forget duhh!!) and you see he talks to another girl who is his girl friend, please ask him if they had plan (again)..
if yes, respect his girl friend feelings by shorten the time you guys date.. (sista will be grateful, for sure)

and remember, sistas dont hurt each others' feelings!...