Monday, September 26, 2011

busy October!

so October is round the corner..
jadi maksodnyer exam is nearer!

with exam,redaksi,prs, n me going to jempol with shakir for a course
i'll be dead meat..
wake me up when october ends..


just got back from camp...

Monday, September 12, 2011

surat untuk awak...

Dear awak...
awak ingat tak janji kita dulu?
depan tasik Putrajaya,
kita janji, nanti satu hari kita jumpa balik kat sini...

awak ingat tak awak tulis apa dekat profile awak..
awak kate kita ni bestfriend awak...
tapi skang awak macam tak ingat kita jer..


Saturday, September 3, 2011

future us??? (maybe)

seriously i wish 1 day the sestarians will be as close as them..
the MCOBs..
seriyesly semangat sayangkan sekolah 
perghh.... mantap seyh!!
gamabar pakcik maner la aku letak...hehe

pernahlah kila went to the SBP hockey tournament
the OBs are there to support them morally..
even when i went to their school
the OBs donated an amount of money to upgrade their common room
or bilik tv in SESTA
and it looks superb..
macam bukan bilik tv...
luckily im a girl..
tidak kila buat sesat dalam tue bagi kena tiggal ngan ckgu

bukan nak kutuk but im confused with the seniors
they dont like SESTA just because of those small things
in my opinion, SESTA is far more better than the other school..
u guys should make use the chance given to explore the other school
seriously,please know all sides of the story..